Writing Your Dispatch


Just because it’s your story doesn’t mean it’s easy to tell. Get a blank piece of paper and a pen, and take yourself through the three exercises below. There is no right and wrong here, this is a time to get it all out of your head and onto the page. Remember: this does not need to be perfect. In fact, this shouldn’t be perfect!


The Moments

List out all the most pivotal moments in your life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Moments when something changed, you gained clarity, you achieved, you failed, you grew. Think of all stops on your journey and list them out in whatever order they come to you.


The Feelings

What are the moments when you needed understanding the most? What did you need from the people around you in those moments? What did you get from the people around you? What impact did that have?

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The Learning

What do you wish someone had told you during the pivotal moments and moments of understanding? What would you tell someone else going through the same thing? If you could go back in time, what would you have told yourself?


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