Chocolate Croissants + Iced Coffee


Dear Laura,

Take one minute while you are using the toilet and read this. It's one of the only moments you'll have to yourself before someone somehow indicates that they need you for something. It won't last too long, so I won't write too much!

Don't feel embarrassed that you feel so sad sometimes. It's ok to admit it. It's okay to go into the other room for a minute to cry, to scream, to just to be alone for a few seconds. Letting your baby cry for a few minutes is seriously ok.. Seriously. You may not be able to articulate why you feel the way that you do, but you don't have to! Don't try to define it and DON'T GOOGLE IT.

Try not to feel so guilty about your body right now. You had an incredibly healthy and active pregnancy, you don't need to feel guilty when other people tell you that you don't look like you just had a baby. Because you did. And your baby is healthy. Body shame goes both ways, and you don't have to tolerate any piece of it.

Stop looking at message boards looking for advice. Everyone has a judgey opinion and it is totally unhelpful. You can email your baby's pediatrician as much as you want- she's used to it, and that's what she is there for. Don't feel embarrassed and apologize for asking questions. You're just trying to figure it out.

If you're up for it, go for a walk. It will bring you so much peace and it might actually help your baby sleep. Get a chocolate croissant and iced coffee if you want, too.

You don't need to order a special patch to put over your c-section scar to minimize its appearance over time. You just had major surgery and brought life into this world- embrace that as much as you want. And speaking of the scar... it's going to itch and even when you scratch the itch might not go away because of this lingering numbness.

You're going to feel tired and you'll feel like no one understands you, but try not to isolate yourself too much. Not everyone will get it, but some of your friends want to but you won't let them. One of them might bring you Taco Bell if you ask.

You are amazing. Good luck. You got this!



You Haven’t Failed Him


You Don’t Hate Your Life